Location: Northern portion of the county
Commission Districts 3
Super District 7
Small Area Plan (SAP): Candler Road Flat Shoals LCI Plan
Implementation Tool: I-20 Overlay District
The Candler Road Activity Center derives from the Candler/Flat Shoals Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) Plan. The core of the study is the South DeKalb Mall. Some of the goals of the plan:
Land Use recommendations from the study are being used as policy guidelines in the comprehensive plan.
The Livable Centers Initiative (“LCI”) is a program that awards planning grants on a competitive basis to local governments and nonprofit
organizations. Their purpose is to prepare and implement plans for enhancing existing centers and corridors consistent with regional development policies. They also provide transportation infrastructure funding for projects identified in the LCI plans.
Master Plan Goals of the Candler Road /Flat Shoal LCI